Access Accounts merchant profile Integration Steps US

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Awin Access Merchant Profile Instructions

Please read the following before creating your profile:

  • Not received your account activation email? Please check your junk folder or reply to the Awin Integration email to inform the team. Note: this may take up to 3 hours to arrive.
  • We kindly ask you to not invite any publishers to your program until your integration is complete and your program is set live

Step 1: Create Merchant Profile

Once logged into your account, click Account > Overview to view your programs profile page. This page is viewed by publishers where they will read about your program.

  • Upload a company logo by clicking on the orange pencil next to the Profile Picture
  • Add a description of your business under Summary
  • Add further details of your affiliate program under Description on the Overview tab
  • Add your website and social URLs under Links

Step 2: Upload Documents (optional)

On Account > Overview, upload documents and files to be displayed on your profile page. These might include customer demographics/statistics, product overviews, or brand presentations. These are to be added to the Documents tab.

Step 3: Set Program Terms

Next click the Terms tab. This allows advertisers to clearly define their Terms & Conditions for their affiliate program. It promotes greater transparency to the network and publishers alike.

Note: be careful to complete all terms to ensure you complete your profile 100%

  • General – will allow you to add in general information related to your program. Be sure to add a line of copy that stipulates “Please note – this program operates with a 7 day closure notice period”. Just so that this aligns with your agreement with Awin and can be referred to were you to close if publishers express they wanted longer.
  • PPC – Pay-per-click is a model of search engine marketing (SEM). This tab has a number of predefined common questions in regards to PPC. This will clearly display to publishers how you'd like them to promote you via the PPC method. Once you are happy with the settings you have applied, click Save.
  • Transactions – this relates to the how commissions are calculated and reasons why commissions will be declined. It is really important that the information provided by advertisers is correct and that any changes are communicated to all publishers on the program. Once happy with the settings you have applied, click Save.
  • Branding - allows an advertiser to detail any brand-specific guidelines they may have. If an advertiser does not have any brand-specific terms, “no branding guidelines” should be added under this tab.
  • Commissions - These are contractual terms which state that you cannot lower commission by more than 20% over a 30 day period, and you must give publishers 7 days’ notice of these changes.
  • Notice Periods - outlines the number of days notices you will give publishers in advance of any change to your website or publisher program. This ensures greater transparency and communication between you and your publishers. Select the number of days’ notice you will give publishers on each of the policy definitions and click Save.
  • Publishers - allows the advertiser to clearly outline which publisher types they work with on their program. You can find out more information about publisher types here. Please make sure that all questions are answered and remember to add in any additional information that publishers need to be aware of. Once you are happy with the settings you have applied, click Save.
  • De-Duplication - allows you to be fully transparent to your publishers about the attribution of a sale when you operate in more than one form of an online marketing channel and respectively a confirmation when you don’t. For more information on De-Duplication and its standard practices, see our de-duplication best practice guidelines here. Once you are happy with the settings you have applied, click Save.

For more information on each section of the terms tab, see our Advertiser Profile Terms Guide here.

Step 4: Set Sector Categorization

Next click Account > Promotional > Sector Categorization. This information is used to categorize your business. It will allow publishers to find advertisers who work in certain sectors and allow us to provide detailed reporting to publishers. Please select at least one sector that reflects your business, you can choose as many as you wish. Once you are happy, click Update Sector Details.

Step 5: Program Welcome Email

Now to add a personalized welcome email all affiliates will receive after being accepted onto your program. You can add this via Account > Partnership Settings > Welcome Email. View our Welcome Email template for some inspiration.

Step 6: Upload Banners & Text Links

You will need a small selection of standard banners and/or some logos to get you going. Some publishers will also need text links to add to their website in order to promote you. Both can be added via Toolbox > My Creative.

View our banner size guide here and watch our YouTube Tutorial here on how to upload banners.

View our text link guide here.

What's next?

You will need to integrate the Awin tracking code via the Tracking Installation Guide under Support > Integration, to install the Awin tracking code onto your website and contact the Global Integrations team once complete.

Click here to log into your account


  • View an example profile to give you a feel for how they are typically laid out
  • Browse our Advertiser Directory to see the profiles of similar brands on the network
  • Watch our video tutorial on how to set up your Advertiser Profile
  • If you need to add a new user to your account you can do so via Account > Users > Invite User


Due to new European legislation regarding how websites store information about you, AWIN is updating its privacy policy. You can see the new version of our policy here. If you would like to see the information we capture on this website, please click here for further details. In order to accept cookies on this site please click the 'I ACCEPT' button