Commission by Assist
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Commission by Assist
What is an Assist?
An assist is when a publisher has helped contribute to a sale for which they are not rewarded on a last-click win basis. The ‘assists’ that can be seen in the interface are based on the view that Awin has for that advertiser. If the advertiser tracks unconditionally then, the system can see where the publisher is overwritten by other channels, if it’s conditional the assists will just be when a publisher overwrites another publisher.
Assist reporting and payment is not our version of an attribution solution. The functionality is there to allow advertisers to use the available data and better reward potentially undervalued publishers in order to generate more sales.
If you are interested in finding out more about influence and our payment on-assists model, please read the reference guide: File:The power of influence and payment on assists.pdf.
Assist Types
Assisted Awin:
Sales and leads for which you have driven a click but were not the last referrer or the winning publisher.
Assisted Awin (1st):
Sales and leads for which you have driven the first click but were not the last referrer or the winning publisher.
Assisted Other Channels:
Sales and leads for which you have driven a click but were not the last referrer or the winning publisher.
Assist Reporting
Assist data can be seen within the Awin reporting which gives the Assisted amount and has a pie chart icon.
Clicking the pie chart will open up a little window which gives a breakdown of these figures. The numbers in the chart are showing the publisher promotional types that ultimately won the sales the publisher assisted with. Metrics are shown for both Assisted Awin and Assisted Awin (1st) and you can toggle between the two reports with the orange buttons at the bottom and the window can be dragged around the screen so you can put in a position you like and still view your data within the main report.
Be aware we only have this data from the beginning of April 2014.
Setting up a Commission by Assist Campaign
The commission by assist tool allows you to create a commission rule to pay publishers for the assists they produce on your account. Awin uses 3 standard assist metrics ‘Assisted Awin’, ‘Assisted Awin (1st)’ and ‘Assisted Other Channels’ as found in the Publisher Performance report.
As well as assigning a commission rate for each one of these assist types, you can also add a daily cap. The cap is per publisher per day for the rule and ensures that you never pay the publisher more than this cap for their assists.
When you create a rule it will not come into effect until the next midnight, the rule will also run for a day. If the rule is cancelled during a day when it is live then the rule will continue to run until the next midnight. At this point, publishers will be paid and the rule will be deactivated.
If you have a rule running for a number of days then at the end of every day we will process publisher transactions for their assists.
1. Create a new rule
The tool can be found under the Commission header:
Click on ‘Add New Rule Button’ to create rules:
This opens up the rule creation table:
The first thing to do is to select the publishers that this rule is valid for. There are radio buttons which allows you to create a custom list of publishers or to make the rule valid for all publishers.
If you make a custom selection then there will be a subsequent box to open the publisher selector and choose the publisher(s) to be applied to the rule.
Once you are happy with your choice of publishers you can then start defining the reward amount. You can choose any combination of assist types to pay from and commissions can be defined as a penny with a maximum value of `99.99`.
The assist types represent the same assist KPIs we use in the Publisher Performance Report.
The next task is to define the daily payment cap. It is important to note that this is per publisher so if you have 3 publishers on one rule and a daily payment cap of £30 then the maximum total you could pay for this rule in one day would be £90. The maximum daily payment cap is currently `999.99`.
When you are happy with the terms of the rule you can move the slider to have the rule on or off. If the rule is on then it will not become live until your next midnight and will run for a minimum of 24 hours. Alternatively, you can leave it off and activate it when you see fit – again this rule would become live at the next midnight after activation.
When you are happy click save and your rule is created.
You can create as many rules as you like however, a publisher can only exist on one rule at a time.
2. Edit a rule
To edit an existing rule, click the pencil on the right-hand side of the table. This will open up the existing rule allowing you to edit all of the fields:
When you are happy with your changes click save and the rule will be amended. Please note that the changes will not come into effect until next midnight.