Commission Flexibility Custom Parameters

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Commission by Custom Parameter

Note: Commission by Custom Parameter is available only for the Awin Advanced platform offer.

To obtain better metrics for custom parameter data, use Commission by Custom Parameter. Commission by Custom Parameter allows you to configure publisher commission based on custom data which is parsed at the exact moment a customer makes a purchase.

To configure custom, parameter-based commission for flexible commission groups, from the condition dropdown, select Custom Parameter, then select the relevant P parameter. In the values text field, provide the values to associate with the commission group. For more information, refer to the Commission Flexibility wiki page.

For example, set p1 to indicate if a customer has a membership with you, and use “member” and “non-member” to pay commission differently for sales to members. You can use P parameters for a broad range of filters, such as customer type, payment method, and geographical location.

Integrating on Custom Parameter Tracking

To pay commission based on a custom parameter, you must provide the corresponding information to Awin, and ensure that you have integrated the necessary custom parameters in your tracking. For more information, refer to the Custom Parameters wiki page.


Commission Parameter Value Format Character Limit Value Limit
Custom Parameter * Any Character 100 250


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