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Publisher MasterTag Permissions

The Awin Publisher MasterTag allows you to access and enable technology from Awin and our partners. For some of these technologies to work, their plug-ins need access to certain parts of your account. For transparency on what these plug-ins can do and what data they can access, we show their “permissions” on the Awin platform.

This page lists the permission types and what they mean.

  • By activating a plug-in, you give permission for that individual plug-in to access data based on their listed Permissions.
  • By disabling a plug-in, will revoke permission for that individual plug-in to access that data, and the plug-in will no longer function.

Permission List


(Allows access to your Awin reporting APIs)

A user will be joined to your account with the permissions level “Viewer”. Each plug-in can do different things depending on their permissions:

  • Read: View your account reporting data available via our public APIs
  • Write: Create, change, or delete data on your account via our public APIs

When disabling a plug-in, that API user is automatically removed from your account.


(Allows access to your Awin profile)

The plug-in will have access to certain information from the Contact Details on your publisher account.

Each plug-in can do different things depending on their permissions:

  • Read: View your profile account details
  • Write: The ability to create, change, or delete your profile account details


Allows the plug-in to run code on your website via the Awin Publisher MasterTag, so they can activate their technology on your website.

Each plug-in can do different things depending on their permissions:

  • Read: Run code on your selected website, via the Publisher MasterTag
  • Write: Makes changes to your website which may include the look and feel, via the Publisher MasterTag

Where to find them

You can see the permissions of each plug-in in the Awin UI.

Feedback on Publisher MasterTag, please take a few minutes to fill out our Product Feedback form.


Due to new European legislation regarding how websites store information about you, AWIN is updating its privacy policy. You can see the new version of our policy here. If you would like to see the information we capture on this website, please click here for further details. In order to accept cookies on this site please click the 'I ACCEPT' button