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What is it?
The Metadata feature allows Publishers to download information about Product Categories or Advertiser Information in a single file. This lets Publishers view information on categories and Advertisers at a quick glance.
To download this metadata, simply scroll your cursor over "Advanced" in the top menu bar of your Affiliate Administration area. A drop down menu will appear. Select Advertiser Metadata from the list.
Category Metadata
The Category Metadata lets publisher s download information about the categories of products used to by advertisers. Each Category has its own criteria such as its ID and its description. Upon downloading this metadata, you will able to view information including:
- Name - The name of the category.
- ID - The ID of the category.
- Description - A short description of the category.
- Parent ID - The parent ID of the category if applicable.
- Is Adult - This determines whether the category is Adult related, with those
- Adult categories denoted with a '1'.
Copy the Manual download url, paste in your browser and define the format you want before you press "Enter". For example,
Advertiser Metadata
The Advertiser Data provides publisher s with information about each advertiser that is available on the network at the time which it was downloaded. Publishers can choose whether to download the metadata of all the Advertisers on the network or just those they are subscribed to, including those which are product enabled only.
Should Publishers require additional information such as Advertiser logos or their strapline, this can be found here. Information such as when the Advertiser's datafeed was last refereshed or modified is also available to the publisher . Publishers will be able to view information including:
- ID - The Advertiser ID.
- Name - The Advertiser Name.
- Logo - The URL of the Advertiser Logo.
- Active - The activity status of the Advertiser's Affiliate Program.
- Advertiser Metadata Version - The metadata version of the Advertiser.
- Strapline - The Advertiser's promotional motto/tagline.
- Description - A short description of the Advertiser.
- Default Clickthrough - The URL of the default clickthrough for the Advertiser.
- Category - The category of the Advertiser.
- Product Feed Enabled - Whether the Advertiser has a Product Feed.
- Datafeed Version - The version of the Advertiser's datafeed.
- Product Feed Last Refreshed - The date of when the product feed was last refreshed.
- Product Feed Last Modified - The date of when the product feed was last modified.
- Product Feed No. Products - The number of products within an Advertiser's datafeed.
- Display URL - The URL of the Advertiser.
Downloading the Metadata
Publishers are able to choose which format they wish to download their metadata in. To the left of the button marked 'Download' publishers can use the drop-down box to select formats from:
- CSV - Zipped/Unzipped
- XML - Zipped/Unzipped
The URL listed under this also allows publishers to directly download the metadata file. This lets publisher s download the metadata based on their settings on a regular basis without the need to access the Affiliate Administration Area. In this instance, publishers will have to choose the format and filter within the url.