Accelerated Payments

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Accelerated Payments

Since July 2017, Awin has invested €35million to launch Accelerated Payments, a global initiative to pay Publishers faster. Based on the successful Traffic Light Payment System, familiar to our UK and US partners, our aim is to reduce ‘click to coin’ time for all Publishers across all markets. Read the full press release here.

Awin is expanding the service to all regions to offer Publishers the premium payment conditions of awareness, speed and consistency. As part of this rollout, Advertiser programs with a green status on the Traffic Light Payment System will be referred to as offering Accelerated Payments.

What are Accelerated Payments?

Traditionally, when a Publisher generates a sale, their commission status is logged as ‘open/pending’ awaiting the Advertiser to review and validate the transaction (this period usually allows for returns). Once approved, the Publisher also has to wait for the Advertiser to be invoiced and for that invoice to be paid to Awin.

With Accelerated Payments, commissions on validated transactions are paid to Publishers regardless of when Awin gets paid.

What does this mean for Publishers?

Publishers now have access to faster, more consistent payments in all markets.

Where can I see which programs offer Accelerated Payments?

Accelerated Payments are available to all Publishers on the Awin platform. Publishers can browse all programs and review which programs offer Accelerated Payments, indicated by the green circle under ‘Payment Status’.

For questions regarding accelerated payments, please contact our Publisher Services team.


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