Product Feed List Download

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Back to: Product Feeds for Publishers


Product Feed List Download

This feature allows Publishers to download a CSV list of the feeds they can see from either Advertisers they are joined to or Advertisers that allow Publishers to promote their products before joining:

  • Publishers can download a list of feeds, last update time and date, joined status and download URL containing all columns.
  • Fresher data as Publishers can monitor the last update time and download only when the feed has been updated.
  • Product feed list download can be scripted.
  • Helps Publishers migrating from Zanox to configure their feeds at once, rather than clicking through the Create-a-Feed user interface.

Only mapped columns are given

The download URL contains only those columns that we know have been mapped, unlike the Create-a-Feed interface, which gives all columns that exist for that vertical.

How it works

Use the API key in the following URL, replacing the example key (18a4da1c74680374b05647897c678f94) with your data feed API key:

You can get the download API key from a standard feed download as given by Create-a-Feed

You can also get the full download link including the relevant API key to access this file from the Create-a-Feed section in the interface (Awin interface --> Toolbox --> Create-a-Feed).

Please note, the API key used to access the product feed list file is different to the API key used to access the Publisher API

Example output

Advertiser ID Advertiser Name Primary Region Membership Status Feed ID Feed Name Language Vertical Last Imported URL
9 Fragrancedirect GB Not Joined 9 IR product feed English 2017-07-09 07:07:32
61 TheDrinkShop GB Not Joined 61 Default English 2017-07-10 07:07:32
129 InterRose GB Not Joined 129 Default English 2017-07-11 07:07:32
260 Ink Factory GB Not Joined 260 Default English 2017-07-12 07:07:32


  • 'Last Imported' column reflects the date/time the feed was updated internally
  • 'Last Checked' column reflects the date/time the advertiser incoming feed file was accessed by schedule and checked if the file was changed
  • Empty vertical means that the feed using using the 'General' schema.
  • Download URL contains the URL providing:
    • CSV
    • Including adult content
    • All columns for the vertical (whether or not the advertiser has data in the field)


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