Advertiser Tracking Guide/Reference Snippets

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[-] Advertiser Tracking Guide

[-] Reference Snippets

[-] General Template

<img border="0" height="0" src="{{advertiserId}}&amount={{totalAmount}}&ch={{channel}}&cr={{currencyCode}}&p1={{customParameter1}}&p2={{customParameter2}}&parts=DEFAULT:{{totalAmount}}&ref={{orderReference}}&testmode={{isTest}}&vc={{voucherCode}}" style="display: none;" width="0">
<form style="display: none;" name="aw_basket_form">
<textarea wrap="physical" id="aw_basket">
<script type="text/javascript">
/*** Do not change ***/
var AWIN = AWIN || {};
AWIN.Tracking = AWIN.Tracking || {};
AWIN.Tracking.Sale = {};
/*** Set your transaction parameters ***/
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.amount = "{{totalAmount}}"; = "{{channel}}";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.currency = "{{currencyCode}}";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.custom = ["{{customParameter1}}", "{{customParameter2}}"];
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.orderRef = "{{orderReference}}"; = "DEFAULT:{{totalAmount}}";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.test = "{{isTest}}";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.voucher = "{{voucherCode}}";
<script defer="defer" src="{{advertiserId}}.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

[-] Native HMTL Example

<img border="0" height="0" src="" style="display: none;" width="0">
<form style="display: none;" name="aw_basket_form">
<textarea wrap="physical" id="aw_basket">
AW:P|1001|AA000005|BCAT-0001|Example Product 0001|7.50|1||DEFAULT|
<script type="text/javascript">
/*** Do not change ***/
var AWIN = AWIN || {};
AWIN.Tracking = AWIN.Tracking || {};
AWIN.Tracking.Sale = {};
/*** Set your transaction parameters ***/
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.amount = "7.50"; = "aw";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.currency = "GBP";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.custom = ["Next Day Delivery", "Royal Mail"];
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.orderRef = "AA000006"; = "DEFAULT:7.50";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.test = "0";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.voucher = "10PERCENTOFF";
<script defer="defer" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

[-] Container Tag Example

var sProtocol = (location.protocol == "http:") ? "http" : "https";
var url = sProtocol + "://" + parseFloat(fTotalAmount).toFixed(2) + "&ch=" + sChannel + "&cr=" + sCurrency;
for (var i = 1; i < (aAdditionalInfo.length + 1); i++) {
    url += "p" + i + "=" + aAdditionalInfo[i - 1];
url += "&parts=DEFAULT:" + parseFloat(fTotalAmount).toFixed(2) + "&ref=" + sOrderReference + "&testmode=0&vc=" + sVoucherCode;
var awPixel = new Image(0, 0);
awPixel.src = url;
var awProductsForm = document.createElement("form"); = "aw_basket_form";
awProductsForm.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
var awProductsTextArea = document.createElement("textarea"); = "aw_basket";
awProductsTextArea.wrap = "physical";
for (var i = 0; i < aProductId.length; i++) {
    awProductsTextArea.value += "AW:P|1001|" + sOrderReference + "|" + aProductId[i] + "|" + aProductName[i] + "|" + parseFloat(aProductItemPrice[i]).toFixed(2) + "|" + aProductQuantity[i] + "|" + aProductSku[i] + "|DEFAULT|" + aProductCategory[i] + "\r\n";
var AWIN = AWIN || {};
AWIN.Tracking = AWIN.Tracking || {};
AWIN.Tracking.Sale = {};
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.amount = parseFloat(fTotalAmount).toFixed(2); = sChannel;
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.currency = sCurrency;
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.custom = aAdditionalInfo;
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.orderRef = sOrderReference; = "DEFAULT:" + parseFloat(fTotalAmount).toFixed(2);
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.test = "0";
AWIN.Tracking.Sale.voucher = sVoucherCode;
var awMastertag = document.createElement("script");
awMastertag.setAttribute("defer", "defer");
awMastertag.src = sProtocol + "://";
awMastertag.type = "text/javascript";


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