Guide for Service Partners

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What is a Service Partner?

Service Partners offer tools and technologies to publishers to help them generate more sales for their advertisers. In return, the publishers share part of their commission with those Service Partners.

Some typical Service Partner tools and technologies include:

  • e-commerce platforms
  • price comparison widgets
  • shopping widgets
  • shopping cart technologies
  • AI based image recognition
  • product recommendations
  • other conversion tools

Our Service Partners are chosen based on the quality, value and trustworthiness of their solutions, which are designed to help boost publisher conversions.

Service Partners can use the Commission Sharing Tool to see which transactions they helped to generate for their partner publishers and the commissions earned.

Automated Partnerships

For transparency, all publishers working with advertisers through a Service Partner must also have a direct partnership with the advertiser. When a commission sharing rule is created between a Service Partner and a publisher, automated partnership applications are created on behalf of publishers to all advertisers partnered with the Service Partner. These applications will be instantly approved or manually reviewed at a later date depending on individual advertiser preferences.

Derived Partnerships

If you create a new partnership between a publisher and an advertiser, that partnership is tied to your relationship with that advertiser.

Standard Partnerships

If a publisher has a pre-existing partnership with an advertiser and you subsequently add a commission sharing rule with that publisher, the partnership will remain a standard partnership with the addition of commission sharing functionality. This means the partnership is not tied to the status of the partnership between you and the advertiser.

Service Partner Profiles

You can showcase your bespoke offerings to publishers using the Service Partner Profile. The Service Partner Profile will be displayed inside of a directory for prospective publishers.

To enable the Service Partner Profile on your publisher account please get in touch with your local support contact.

You can edit your profile by navigating to Account > Service Partner Profile.

Publishers will see your Service Partner profile in their Service Partner Directory. File:Service_Partner_Directory.jpg

How does Commission Sharing work?

Your publisher account will be set up as a Service Partner in the interface to have special access to the commission-sharing tool.

As a Service Partner, you can configure the commission split between your account and the partner publisher by creating commission-sharing Rules.

Both your account and the publisher account need to be approved on an advertiser programme before you can start to promote it and earn commission.

SettingUup and Managing Commission-Sharing Rules

In order to create rules for each publisher, go to Account > Commission-Sharing Rules.

You can search for partner publishers by name or publisher ID and select one or more publishers. If you select multiple publishers and save, we will create a rule for each publisher, with the same commission percentage share for each.

Then you need to set up the percentage of the commission the publisher will receive. The system will automatically calculate your share before saving the rule.

You can create one or more rules for each publisher you collaborate with.

Editing Rules You can edit each commission sharing rule, in order to change the commission percentage share or the title. The publisher associated to the rule cannot be changed.

Deleting Rules You can delete a rule by clicking on the x icon in the rules directory. Once a rule is deleted, we will no longer track sales as commission shared transactions. The full commission will be associated to the publisher.

Tracking Commission Shared Transactions

In order to be able to track commission shared transactions and display the data in reporting, the Awin tracking URLs would need to have: 'networkref2' and the publisher ID of the content publisher(s) which you as a service partner collaborate with.

Example of tracking links including the 'networkref2' parameter:

For each link you pass on to the publishers, you will have to add the ‘networkref2’ and its value in the format 'cs1_[commissionSharingRuleId] and replace the publisher ID (‘awinaffid’ or 'r' or 'a') with the ID of the content publisher(s) which you collaborate with.

Generating Commission Shared Transactions

For the transactions tracked from a click containing a ‘networkref2’ value, we will identify the commission sharing rule and the two partner publishers involved in the sale.

The total value of the commission is calculated based on the commission rates that the advertiser assigned to the Service Partner.

For each sale generated by the publisher, two transactions will be created:

  • Transaction: This has the commission value the publisher receives and is visible to the publisher and the advertiser.
  • Bonus Transaction: This has the commission value you receive and is visible to both you and the advertiser.

Calculating Commission for Commission-Shared Transactions

The total value of the commission is calculated based on the commission rates an advertiser agrees to and assigns to you.

The commission is then split based on the percentage share agreed between you and the publisher.


You are able to track all commission sharing transactions within the Awin reporting section. We have a wide variety of reports to see different data relating to the transactions generated.

Commission-Sharing Information

As a Service Partner, you can see the transactions that contain your share of a commission. This will appear in the report as a Bonus transaction. Each bonus transaction will contain information of the transaction generated by the publisher such as the sale value, status, and the value of the commission you earn.

For every commission sharing transaction, you can also see the publisher that generated the original transaction.

Transaction Report

You can easily identify commission sharing transactions from within the transaction report as they will all have the commission sharing icon in the commission column.

Transaction Export

In the Transaction Report export you can view more detailed information on all your transactions including those that are commission sharing transactions. This will be easily identifiable as they will also contain the publisher's name and account ID that you are sharing the commission with.

  • commission_sharing_publisher: The name of the publisher that you are sharing the commission with
  • commission_sharing_publisher_id: The account ID of the publisher that you are sharing the commission

Example commission sharing transaction in export:


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