Advertiser Commission Group

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Commission Group Performance Report

Note: The Commission Group Performance Report is available only for the Awin Accelerate and Awin Advanced platform offers.

The Commission Group Performance Report feature allows you, as an advertiser, to generate a report that details the performance of your commission groups and converted traffic driven by publishers. It allows you to discover which are the top performing commission groups and which publishers perform best within each group.

You can easily compare different commission groups and review performance for specific publishers.

The information in the Commission Group Performance Report is taken from the Parts section of the Awin tracking code, which allocates the required proportion of sale amounts to the corresponding group code.

Report Options

Period This option allows you to select a specific time period, such as Quarter To Date, or Last Year
From This option defines the start date for your report
To This option defines the end date for your report
Based On This option defines whether the report is based on the date of the customer transaction, or the date on which you validated the commission payout.
Commission Group Filter This option allows you to filter the report by any of your Commission Groups, up to a maximum of 25
Affiliate Filter This option allows you to filter the results by particular publishers, up to a maximum of 25

Column Headings

To sort the table in ascending or descending order, click on the corresponding column heading:

Commission Group Code The unique code you define for each Commission Group
Commission Group Name The Display Name you define for each Commission Group
Quantity The number of transactions that have been driven to your site by each publisher within the Commission Group
Amount The sales value of transactions driven to your site by each publisher within the Commission Group
Commission The amount of commission accrued as a result of the transactions driven to your site by each publisher within the Commission Group


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