Add Manual Commission

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Add Manual Commission (for Advertisers)

Why would I want to Add Manual Commission?

As an advertiser, you can manually add commissions to a publisher account for a specific programme. The main reason for manually adding commission is to record untracked or offline sales/leads, but you may choose to reward publishers with a bonus too.

How to Add Manual Commission

First, go to Commission > Add Manual Commission.

Next, choose whether to add an individual commission or batch upload manual commission instead.

For individual commissions, choose your commission type. The screen will change depending on which commission type you choose.

Sales or Lead

  1. Enter the Publisher ID, the Amount of Sale and the Amount of Commission, but do not enter the currency symbols, e.g. £, $, etc.
  2. Next, select whether the commission is confirmed or pending, and enter the Order Reference and the Click Reference (IO number).
  3. Finally, check the box to send the publisher an email containing the commission details.

  4. Double check that all of the information you have entered is correct, and then click Submit Commission.


Bonuses are mostly awarded to publishers as prizes for some sort of promotion.

A bonus does not have to be related to an actual/individual transaction, so to award a bonus, leave the sale value as "0.00", and enter the bonus amount in the Amount of Commission field.

Make sure you enter the commission (bonus) value correctly - once you have submitted it, you can't reverse it.

Scheduling Bonuses

Bonuses can be scheduled so that the transaction is processed on a particular date in the future. Scheduled bonuses are often used so that the bonus is processed and paid in the following month.

Once you've chosen to add a bonus, a Date Processed radio button will become available. If you select Scheduled you'll be able to select a date when you want the transaction to be processed. Any scheduled transactions can be cancelled once they've been created.

If you select Send Details to Publisher an email is sent to the publisher once the transaction has been scheduled, and another email is sent when the transaction is processed. An email will also be sent to the publisher if you decide to cancel the transaction.

Batch Upload

If you have a large number of manual commissions to upload, you can upload them in batches via CSV files.

  1. Select Batch as the upload method.
  2. Create and save your CSV file, and then upload it from your documents. (See below for more details on CSV requirements)
  3. Select the Locale and whether the first line contains headers.

CSV Requirements

Each CSV file should contain the following information:

  • Publisher ID
  • Commission Type - (Bonus or Sale)
  • Sales Amount (can be blank for bonuses)
  • Bonus/Commission Amount
  • Commission Status - (pending or confirmed)
  • Advertiser ID
  • Order ref (order reference will have a prefix of 'manual_' added to it. )

Your file should look something like the image below, and don't forget to save it as a .csv file before you upload it.

Example CSV file


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