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What is Call Tracking?

Call Tracking is a solution which allows advertisers to replace the sales telephone number(s) on their website, with a dynamically generated telephone number. This generated number can then allow Awin to reward the affiliate with a commission for each successful call.

In addition to this, advertisers can also offer unique telephone numbers to publishers to enable them to promote the advertisers' call centres from their own publisher sites.

How Can Publishers Generate Calls?

Dynamic Telephone Number

A small alteration is made to the span tag on the advertiser website, meaning that when a user who has clicked through from a publisher website lands on the advertiser site, the phone number is automatically changed to a new publisher-specific number.

This number will be unique depending on which publisher site referred the call, allowing Awin to assign a commission for that call within the interface.

Static / Unique Telephone Numbers

Advertisers can issue unique numbers to their publishers on a case by case basis. The publisher can then promote this unique telephone number on their own website or via their own promotional methods, thereby raising awareness that the advertiser can be approached over the phone, and encouraging customers to call to redeem an offer or buy a particular product.

All calls are diverted to the advertiser call centre to be dealt with by their call team. The journey is seamless to any potential customers who will not be aware their call is being tracked.

Call Tracking Payment Models

There are two payment models for Call Tracking:

"Call Duration" or "Cost per Call"

The advertiser pays out a commission once a call extends over a pre-agreed period of time.

CPA (Cost Per Action)

The advertiser pays out commission when a specified action occurs as a result of a call. This is normally a sale, but can also be a lead or quote.

CPA campaigns are not always viable for many clients - however client needs can be assessed during the set up process. The reason for this is that a full CRM integration where the call tracking technology is plugged into an advertisers call centre technology allows for the data on calls to be passed back.

It is best to speak to the Business Development team at Awin who'll be able to help assist what call tracking provision we might be able to provide to you.

What Are The Benefits?

Higher AOVs

When a customer calls the advertiser call centre, the advertiser has a strong opportunity to upsell or cross-sell products to the customer they are speaking to. This enables higher AOVs from calls than from normal web-traffic.

Flexible Commission Rates

Advertisers are able to offer different commissions based upon call durations via the Call Tracking system. This means they can choose to offer £2.00 for a 2 minute call, £10.00 for 8 minutes, and £50.00 for 20 minutes if they so choose. The rates are completely adjustible to the advertiser needs.

Competitor Advantage

Not all advertisers currently offer Call Tracking as a benefit on their program. Integration of this additional tracking will make programs stand out from their competitors and will make them more attractive as a place to send traffic online.

Improvement of Conversion Rates

Implementation of Call Tracking brings about an improvement to an advertiser's conversion rates, as now more clicks result in an action being taken by the customer. Previously those interactions were being lost in leakage, meaning that many clicks would not have resulted in a tracked commission. Call tracking means these interactions are now recorded.

Removal of Leakage

The removal of leakage due to calls brings about two major benefits - firstly that the program is more attractive to publishers to promote (as they would lose out on these commissions were Call Tracking not available), and also that the advertiser is now able to get a full understanding of the value being driven to them by the affiliate channel.

Quick and Easy Setup

Integration of the Call Tracking technology is very quick and simple, and the network can get this set up for an advertiser within 2 working days, on the assumption that commission rates and the call duration are already agreed.

Incremental Sales

With telephone numbers to the advertiser site now available to view on other websites, publishers can drive more interactions than they were able to previously. Those telephone numbers will have larger numbers of views than before, and are by extension more likely to be called.

Adding Call Tracking To An Advertiser Program

Cost Per Call Implementation

Awin Technical Services will assist merchants with all aspects of integrating Call Tracking technically.

In order to change the sales telephone number on an advertisers’ website to a dynamically generated telephone number, the merchant will need to ensure that they insert our master tag just before the closing </BODY> tag, on each page of their site: (as a single line).

The merchant needs to replace the MERCHANT_ID placeholder, with their own AWIN merchant id.

<script src="" type="text/javascript" defer="defer"></script>

The merchant also needs to add <span class="fs-dynamic-number"></span> to their pages where the telephone number(s) are displayed on their website, and we will inject the Call Tracking dynamic number engine script via our master tag.

For example: <span class="fs-dynamic-number">0800 731 0048</span>

This is the only technical implementation that an advertiser needs to do in order to track call duration or leads (Cost Per Call/Pay Per Call).

Cost per Action Advertiser Technical Integration

Cost per action models are entirely bespoke and must be discussed with a member of the Business Development team at Awin, or your daily network point of contact.

Reviewing Call Tracking Campaigns

Call tracking reports into the interface in the same manner that standard transactions do - however they report as a lead rather than an order - meaning that on a call duration model, no transaction value is recorded in the interface.

On a call duration model, calls report as "Validated" as the call has occurred at the specified duration and this is confirmed to Awin by our call tracking system API. Therefore - you will not see call tracking sales in "Validate Pending"

Performance of campaigns can also be reviewed in the Commission Group report (as call tracking commissions track to a separate group of their own). Call Tracking commissions also have a separate order reference to help merchants differentiate them from standard sales.


How will I be invoiced for call tracking commissions?

Call tracking commissions will be part of the total commission charge on your bi-monthly invoice from Awin. Override is charged at your standard rate.

To see a breakdown of this total - download the "Archived Commission" report for your account. All call tracking sales are defined by "Device".

Who Is Awin's third party call tracking partner?

Call Tracking has been developed by integrating the Awin system with Freespee, the European leader in Call Tracking and Pay-Per-Call solution.

Do I have to get call tracking if my phone number on site is non-transactional?

No - there is no need for merchants with non-transactional telephone numbers to have call tracking unless they would particularly like to.

What is a Span Tag?

A span tag is a small piece of script that many merchants already have in place, or can be added easily - to enable the telephone number on the site to appear different depending on the source of the traffic viewing the page.

A small change to the Span Tag is a requirement for all merchants to add call tracking.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please email or discuss where applicable with your Account Contact, you will then be taken through the steps to add the Infinity partner solution to your programme and website.


Due to new European legislation regarding how websites store information about you, AWIN is updating its privacy policy. You can see the new version of our policy here. If you would like to see the information we capture on this website, please click here for further details. In order to accept cookies on this site please click the 'I ACCEPT' button