Browser Privacy Changes & Advertiser Tracking Metadata

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Browser Privacy Changes & Advertiser Tracking Metadata for Publishers

View the tracking metadata by going to Advanced > Advertiser Metadata.

New Tracking Metadata Fields


Many advertiser transactions are converted via the Awin MasterTag tracking method. If a high enough proportion of these transactions are done in this way for a particular advertiser, it will be shown in this field. We use this data to see if an advertiser has good coverage of the MasterTag on their website’s landing pages, since this allows Awin to continue to track sales.

Unconditional/Conditional Tracking

For an advertiser to be considered "unconditionally" tracking, they must indiscriminately deploy the Awin tracking suite on their checkout/confirmation pages, regardless of the referring marketing source. This field is an important consideration with browser privacy updates as advertisers can make use of "tracking switches" to conditionally show a marketing channel's tracking code. These tracking switches often store the referring marketing channel in a third-party cookie, which is susceptible to being blocked by browsers.

Browser Privacy Updates

Safari WebKit Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2 (ITP2)

Changes to the Safari web browser prevent the use of third-party cookies from domains which have the ability to track consumers across multiple sites. Advertisers using the MasterTag with unconditional tracking can track effectively under Safari's ITP2.


Due to new European legislation regarding how websites store information about you, AWIN is updating its privacy policy. You can see the new version of our policy here. If you would like to see the information we capture on this website, please click here for further details. In order to accept cookies on this site please click the 'I ACCEPT' button