Processing a Product Feed

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[-] Product Feed Guide for Advertisers

[-] Product Feed Management

Product feeds can be manually imported via a users upload within the Awin interface or by set scheduled processing achieved automatically by the system.

Automatic processing

If you have a large feed, or one that requires frequent updates (changing stock, prices, offers) then automatic scheduling is recommended.

Updates can be scheduled:

  • Daily (up to four times a day)
  • Weekly

Note: Sales can often be lost if a price listed via a feed doesn't match that on the site itself, so we would recommend an automatic update at least every 24 hours.

Manual processing

Manual processing can be used if your feed rarely changes, or if you are unable to host a feed to be retrieved automatically.

A manual feed will not change until the next manual upload. This can be done by editing your existing feed details (see Updating/Amending your feed).

What system processes are carried out during import?

After importing the data from a product feed, the system will then carry out a number of checks. Product feeds are scanned for errors e.g delimiters or missing/incorrectly formatted data.

Unique products

Product IDs are treated as the unique identifier when importing each product feed record. Each product ID is then assigned an Awin product ID, and this 'awID' will be used in the affiliate deeplinks for that product.

Handling of processing errors

If a product ID is listed twice in the same feed file, any instances after the first will be ignored, even if the rest of the details are different.

For more common feed errors please see here


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