ShopWindow Error Codes v3

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The follow are a list of error codes that may be thrown via the ShopWindow API and if available a short description outlining their meaning.

Client Params

  • Incorrect !!!ATTRIB_NAME!!! - Passed value !!!VALUE!!! is invalid

A passed parameter contains an invalid value. Please check the type and value match.

  • Invalid columns defined

Invalid columns were requested in API call. Please check response data objects for list of columns that are available.

Client Limits

  • Number of categories requested exceeds the limits - Maximum number of categories is !!!VALUE!!!

A limit is placed on the number of categories you may request. Please check your limit does not exceed the maximum.

  • Number of products requested exceeds the limits

A limit is placed on the number of products you may request. Please check your limit does not exceed the maximum.

  • Number of products refine bys requested exceeds the limits

A limit is placed on the number of refine bys you may request. Please check your limit does not exceed the maximum.

  • Number of advertisers requested exceeds the limits

A limit is placed on the number of advertisers you may request. Please check your limit does not exceed the maximum.

  • Insufficient Quota - You have used all your operations quota

You have used your daily API quota. You can request an increase within your account.

Client Modes

  • Invalid Sort Mode Provided

The sort mode passed is invalid. Please check documentation for list of correct modes.

Client Auth

  • Authentication Failed - Invalid API Key or account disabled

Check your publisher account is ShopWindow enabled and active on the correct version. Then check you are using the correct password for this version of the API.

  • Authentication Failed - Invalid headers, authentication element not found

The SOAP request contained invalid data in the headers. Please check your XML is correctly formed and contains all the required parameters.

  • Authentication Failed - Missing headers

We were unable to find the headers within you SOAP request. Please check your XML is correctly formed and contains all the required parameters.

Server Errors

These tend to be more serious. Please contact support with a date/time of the request, XML used to call the service and the error message supplied.


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