Awin AppsFlyer Awin-Access

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AppsFlyer App Tracking for Awin Access

Key Features and Limitations

  • AWIN postbacks on Appsflyer are global (non-customisable)
  • Events tracking - INSTALL and IN-APP postbacks in place for iOS and Android (please pick one)
  • Supports deep-linking and deferred deep-linking
  • Appsflyer tracking link – Onelink is able to detect the device type (Android, iOS, desktop etc.) when clicked and redirect the user to a matching destination

Integration Steps

1. Advertiser to implement the SDK

Required parameters within the SDK - In-app purchase

  • af_revenue -> populate with order amount
  • af_order_id -> populate with order reference
  • af_class -> populate with order commission group

SDK example: {"af_order_id":"7423732","af_revenue":31.72, "af_class": "DEFAULT"}

2. Choose Awin from the integrated partners' list

3. General settings


4. In-App Events Settings

  • Populate Awin Advertiser ID with Awin advertiser ID
  • Enable In-App Events Postback
  • Set Sending Option to: Only events attributed to this partner
  • Select the event (SDK Event Name) you want to track. I.e. Install or In-app (sale)
  • Insert Awin commission group of the event in Partner Event Identifier. For Awin Access this would be 'DEFAULT'
  • Under Send Revenue choose Values & Revenue


5. Generate a tracking link

  • Populate the value of parameter name
  • Enable Re-targeting (Re-attribution)
  • Define the loopback window (default 7 days) – it’s the time from click to an install event – If there is no loopback parameter in the tracking URL, it will be always 7 days, however, Awin is able to append the parameter with the desired value (e.g. 30 days).

Tracking Link

Tracking URL structure

  • Parameter cks or awc must be populated with click checksum (!!!awc!!!) which will be returned in cks parameter in sread request.
  • In order for tracking link to be eligible for attribution following parameter must be added and populated with awin publisher id af_siteid=!!!id!!!

OneLink tracking link (cross-platform)!!!awc!!!&af_siteid=!!!id!!!&is_retargeting=true&af_reengagement_window=30d

Parameter Requirements
pid=affiliatewindow_int Mandatory - For the event to be attributed to Awin
cks/awc=!!!awc!!! Mandatory - Awin click ID to be populated with awc
awinmid Optional - It will overwrite the MID set on the dashboard
af_click_lookback=7d Optional - 7 day attribution window is set on the dashboard by default
af_siteid=!!!id!!! Mandatory - To be populated with the Awin publisher ID
is_retargeting=true Mandatory - To enable reengagement
af_reengagement_window=30d Mandatory - To enable re-engagement (should be set to 30 days, as per the cookie length of your Awin programme)

Tracking link iOS!!!awc!!!&af_siteid=!!!id!!!

Tracking link Android!!!awc!!!&af_siteid=!!!id!!!

Deep linking and deferred deep linking using OneLink

OneLink allows marketers to create a single deep link that sends every user to the optimal page in an app, from sources across every possible OS, channel and platform.

OneLink™ is a unique AppsFlyer tracking link which advertisers can use to utilize 3 primary features with a single click:

  • Device Detection And Redirection: OneLink is able to detect the device type (Android, iOS, desktop etc.) when clicked and redirect the user to a matching destination.
  • Deep Linking: If the advertised mobile app is already installed, OneLink is able to support launching the app after click and/or serving the user with personalized content (such as sending a user to a specific activity/page in the app).
  • Deferred Deep Linking: If the advertised mobile app is not installed, OneLink is able to support serving a user with personalized content (such as sending a user to a specific activity/page in the app) on the first launch of the app after install.
Parameter Requirements
af_dp Redirect the user to the specified page within the app
af_force_deeplink Force deep linking into the activity specified in af_dp value (af_force_deeplink=true)
af_web_dp Redirect the desktop user to the specified URL
af_r Redirect all users to the single-platform specified URL
af_android_url Redirect Android users to a different URL than the app's page on Google Play
af_ios_url Redirect iOS users to a different URL than the app's page on App Store

About deeplinking:

• AWIN supports a URI scheme but doesn’t support the handling of iOS Universal links and Android app link methods of deep linking. This is due to the link wrapping. It applies to any link used within AWIN. To deep link with OneLink via AWIN, you will need to setup the OneLink URL with a URI scheme. Preferably, your app developer should configure the SDK to support HTTP url as a deep link value. For iOS apps, use the af_force_deeplink=true parameter on the OneLink URL to activate the deep link URI scheme.

• If the URI scheme is filled in the af_dp parameter, the user will consistently be directed to the static page within the app. However, in cases where the app isn't installed, Safari will display an invalid address error. This method does not support dynamic deep linking. Alternatively, if the app developer implements handling for HTTP URLs by converting them into URI schemes that the app can understand (e.g., making them app-readable product destinations), users will be directed to the relevant product page within the app. Notably, this approach avoids displaying an invalid address error in Safari when the app is not installed.


Install postback - iOS and Android$$mfn(coalesce,$$click(awinmid),$$dashboard(merchant))&amount=1.00&ref=(transaction-id)&parts=download:1.00&cks=(coalesce,(awc),(cks))&p1=(platform)&p2=(os-version)&p3=(device-type)&p4=(appsflyer-device-id)&p5=re-engagement:(is-reengage)&p6=re-attribution:(is-reattr)&p30=appsflyer

In-app postback$$mfn(coalesce,$$click(awinmid),$$dashboard(merchant))&amount=$$mfn(if,$$mfn(equals,$$sdk(af_revenue),N%2FA),1.00,$$sdk(af_revenue),false)&ref=$$mfn(coalesce,$$sdk(af_order_id),$$mfn(str,$$sdk(appsflyer-device-id),$$sdk(unix-ts)))&parts=$$mfn(coalesce,$$sdk(af_class),$$sdk(mappediae)):$$mfn(if,$$mfn(equals,$$sdk(af_revenue),N%2FA),1.00,$$sdk(af_revenue),false)&cks=$$mfn(coalesce,$$click(awc),$$click(cks))&cr=$$mfn(coalesce,$$sdk(af_currency),$$sdk(currency))&p1=$$sdk(platform)&p2=$$sdk(os-version)&p3=$$sdk(device-type)&p5=re-engagement:$$sdk(is-reengage)&p6=re-attribution:$$sdk(is-reattr)&p4=$$sdk(country-code)&p7=$$sdk(event-name)&p8=$$sdk(appsflyer-device-id)&p30=appsflyer

Testing app tracking

Once you have successfully integrated your app contact with your account name and Advertiser ID to confirm you’ve completed the tracking setup for Mobile Application. A member of the team will be able to provide a test transaction link and further instrutions on how to test your app tracking.

Additional Support

Integrating app tracking can be complex. Clients who need additional support with setting up the Mobile App Tracking can utilise the Premium Integration service. Our technical integration team will be able to provide consultation support on your app tracking integration. More details of this service can be found here.


Due to new European legislation regarding how websites store information about you, AWIN is updating its privacy policy. You can see the new version of our policy here. If you would like to see the information we capture on this website, please click here for further details. In order to accept cookies on this site please click the 'I ACCEPT' button