AWin Index Sector Rank

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Following the success and support of the Awin Index for advertisers, Awin have extended this unique and insightful tool for publishers.

Similar to the existing advertiser Awin Index, the publisher sector rank represents the individual performance for each publisher, for every sector that they promote. The rank is displayed within the publisher directory and on the Performance tab on the publisher's profile page.

If a publisher has categorized their websites into sectors within their Awin Profile, then they will be allocated a a rank for every sector they are generating sales for. A publisher is deemed to be performing if they are driving clicks or transactions through to advertisers who have categorised themselves into the same sector. The rank is the publisher’s position in comparison to all other publishers who are performing within that sector.

The factors used to calculate the rank are: click volume, transaction volume, conversion rate, publisher type, and number of advertisers promoted within a sector. The number is calculated on the previous three months worth of transactional data. For those publishers who have been on the network for less than three months, no rank will appear; rather they will be identified as ‘new’.

Specific performance values that calculate the rank will not be disclosed to advertisers. However, advertisers will have visibility of a publisher’s performance on their own programme.

Where is the Awin Index Rank displayed on the interface?

You can access this information in the account publisher directory:

Then, click on "Detailed View":

The Awin Index Rank would appear like:

The Awin Index Rank can also be viewed in the Performance tab of the publisher profile section:

Why did Awin include a publisher Awin Index Rank?

The publisher Awin Index was developed to provide advertisers with a metric to gauge the performance and value that a publisher could add to their programme.

The publisher Awin Index Rank also improves the results displayed within the directory of publishers; allowing those that drive performance and value to appear higher within the directory results.

Which is best? Higher or Lower Numbers?

The product works on a rank system and as a result 1 is the highest rank and best possible score. The lower the number, the better your performance based upon the metrics used to create the rank.

What factors are used to decide the Rank?

For each programme a publisher promotes, a score is calculated using an algorithm that uses the publisher’s own values for click volume, transaction volume, conversion rate and also a value that is attributed dependent on the publisher’s primary promotion type. These values are calculated against the number of programmes a publisher is promoting in a particular sector.

How can publishers improve their publisher Awin Index Rank?

By improving their conversion rate and the number of clicks and transactions that they generate for each programme in a sector. Also, significant improvements to a score can come from the number of advertiser programmes a publisher is promoting in any given sector.

Does the publisher Awin Index Rank favour the publishers who make the most money for Awin?

No, the publisher Awin Index gives a greater rank to those who drive performance based on a number of factors. The biggest factor taken into consideration is the publisher’s conversion rate. Therefore, a publisher who converts really well has the opportunity to get a Rank similar or even higher than a publisher who generates more transaction volume at a lesser conversion rate.

How can I see what my publisher Awin Index Ranks are?

A publisher’s Awin Index rank for each sector that they promote is visible in the ‘Performance’ tab on the publisher’s individual profile page. Publishers will need a Awin account and will need to have linked their publisher account to their account to access their publisher profile.

Who can see my publisher Awin Index Ranks?

Currently, only you and the advertisers on the Awin network can see your ranks. We do plan to make this information available for all Awin interface users to see, including other publishers, as this replicates the transparency available to advertisers.

It is unlikely that advertisers will decide whether or not to work with a publisher by Awin Index score alone; how your profile looks, the content you include to support this, web-site content and your specialism will all have a bearing. Naturally, some publishers may have concerns about this ‘open’ approach and we would welcome their feedback.

Can advertisers see the performance figures that make up the rank?

Advertisers can only see the overall rank for a publisher’s performance in a sector. The actual values making up the index, such as click volume, transaction volume, conversion rates and the number of advertisers promoted in a sector, will not be disclosed to advertisers. However advertisers will have the standard visibility of a publisher’s performance on the advertiser’s own programme.

Will advertisers just want the highest ranked Awin Index publishers?

It largely depends what the advertiser is trying to achieve. If they are successful they may already know who the top performers are and ultimately may be looking for strong middle tier opportunities. Alternatively they may be looking for niche long tail partners who specialise in a particular sector. Ask yourself this; do you just choose the advertisers you promote based on their Awin Index score alone or is this just another factor for consideration amongst many?

What makes a good publisher Awin Index?

Publisher performance that shows a good conversion rate for the advertisers you promote obviously scaled by the volume you drive. Cross sector performance will also help if you diversify your portfolio.

Can other networks see who the top performing publishers are?

Possibly, but a top sector performer on one network may not be the same on another.


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